"I truly feel that it has a real effect on improving skin and hair health."

"I truly feel that it has a real effect on improving skin and hair health."

I had been troubled by the appearance of burn scars on my skin, and it was a friend's recommendation that led me to discover the carbonated spring.

I installed it with high hopes for its effectiveness. 

It took a little time to attach the pressure regulator to the gas cylinder during the initial installation, but thanks to the support of the staff, the process went smoothly.

The comfort of the carbonated spring was like a different level from regular tap water.

I was truly impressed by the comfort and gentleness it provided to my skin!

Moreover, as I continued to use it, I noticed that the scars from my skin graft gradually faded, and I also experienced a reduction in hair loss.

Now my entire family has become big fans, eagerly looking forward to our baths! I firmly believe that the carbonated spring has restored my confidence and is truly effective in improving my skin and the health of my hair.


Ms.A.N./Age: 50/State: California